Tips to Print Mantou or Bapkao with Edible printer

Everyone needs a printer today. Students, employees, and cake makers are now using printers for their daily activity. But cake and mantou makers need a special printer, a cake printer that will print edible images. If you are a mantou maker, learn about some tips to print Mantou with an edible printer.

Edible printer is going to print edible images that will cover the surface of bakpao or mantou, the Chinese steamed bun. Edible printer or cake printer will produce an image to enhance the look of a mantou. Mantou with edible images on it is safe for our health.

If you’re one of the mantou makers who still have no idea how to use the edible printer, follow some tips below to use an edible printer and print cute yet delicious mantou. This technology is going to make anyone love your products.

Tips to Print Mantou with Excellent Image Quality

You can decorate each mantou and cake manually. But this is going to take forever if you get a massive order. Using an edible printer to print edible images on mantou will be more practical. To print high quality edible image on each mantou, follow these steps:

1. Always use high resolution image. 

Use a high quality image for your mantou. If your buyer requests a specific image, ask him to prepare a higher quality image instead of the lower one. Minimum image resolution should be 150 dpi. Besides, the size of the image or file should be bigger than the edible image’s size.

2. Adjust the contrast and brightness first. 

Next tips to print mantou is adjusting the contrast and brightness of the edible image. This is crucial, especially if the original image looks darker. The software you use to edit the picture allows you to adjust the brightness and contrast of the image before printing the design directly on your mantou.

The same photo will have a different look when you print it on a photo paper and on a cake or a mantou. Photo paper is going to show you a brighter result. Always adjust the contrast and brightness of the file before printing it directly on a mantou.

3. Tips to print mantou : adjust the printer’s setting.

Next tips to print mantou is increasing the color, contrast, and brightness on your printer’s settings. To change the settings, access Photoshop and then click on Set in the color/intensity section you can hold CTRL-M. There will be a Color Manual Adjustment menu appearing on the screen.

You can Adjustment the color. And then click OK and the new setup is ready to use. Save the printer setup. When you want to print more mantou, simply double click the setup.

Printing Unique Mantou Everyone Loves

When printing edible images for mantou, there are some more extra steps you need to do. Make sure you push the mantou to the printer until it sets evenly inside the printer. This is one of the most crucial tips to print directly on mantou.

If you always place the mantou unevenly in the printer and print the edible image on this condition over and over again, the plastic cover is going to hurt your head printer. In the long term, your head printer will be permanently broken.

Besides, the edible image you print won’t have excellent quality. Some other tips to print mantou using edible printer you should keep in mind include:

1. Always keeping the printer clean.

It is essential to keep your printer clean at all times. Clean edible printer will always produce high quality, clean, and excellent edible images. This means you can always produce mantou in a more interesting look.

2. Take your time to edit image.

To get optimal results, you should have enough time to edit the edible image before printing. Inform your buyers that you will need enough time to edit the image. Your buyers need to be patient if they really want to get excellent quality mantou.

2. Keep the images updated

The last tips to print mantou is always preparing cute, stunning, and updated images for your mantou. This is going to attract many people and invite new customers.

The latest printer technology is now getting much better. You can even print edible images on cakes and mantou, thanks to edible images. The image is safe for everyone. Follow the entire tips and get better results.

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