Tips to Choose Shirts for DTF Printing

Printing technology is getting better today. In the past, people used to print manually. But now, digital printing eases human’s life. The DTF printer allows people to print on shirts easily. Learn some tips to choose shirts so you can use the right ones for printing your favorite pic.

Digital printing itself comes in various types. DTF printing is one of those digital printing systems. If you are going to run a printing business or you just want to make some cool shirts with awesome pic on them, learn about the right types of shirts to print using DTF technique.

Keep in mind that not all types of shirts are compatible with DTF printing technology. By choosing the right shirts, you will be able to make awesome shirts with amazing design.

Tips to Choose Shirts That Are Best for DTF Printing

Avoid choosing random shirts for DTF printing, unless you don’t care about the printing quality. Below are some tips to choose shirts that are perfect for DTF printing technique. Follow the tips and you’ll find the best shirts easily.

1. Choose shirts with even and quality fiber.

First step is to look for a shirt that is even and has excellent quality. The most famous type of shirt for DTF printing is cotton combed, because this fabric has more even and excellent fiber. By using fabric with quality fiber, the printing result will look clear and bright.

2. Use shirts in bright colors.

Bright colors on shirts will create an awesome effect compared to shirts with dark colors. Dark colors on shirts will create a spooky effect on the image. More over, dark color on the shirt will also pile over the image’s color. This makes the image look unclear and less interesting. But that’s all you will use depends on your taste.

These tips to choose shirts are also related to the image you want to print. Though you are going to use bright shirts, it doesn’t mean you can choose random images. Pick images that have less color combinations. This way, your shirt won’t look too crowded.

3. Choose comfortable shirts to wear.

Next tips to choose shirts you need to know is choosing chill, sweat-absorbent, and durable shirts. These kinds of shirts will ease the DTF printing process. Moreover, the printing results will be more durable and you can wear the shirts more comfortably.

As long as you understand the entire tips above and follow those rules when choosing the right shirts for DTF printing, you’ll find the best shirts to print your favorite images. You’ll also wear the most comfortable and cool shirts everyday.

The Best Treatment for Shirts with DTF Printing.

Understanding various tips to choose shirts above will be useless if you have no idea how to treat the shirts properly. By learning how to treat the shirts properly, you’ll keep the printing image last forever. Then you can wear those shirts whenever you want.

  1. When you are about to wash the shirts, wash them separately from shirts in different colors. This way, the color from the other shirts won’t cover up the color of the printing image on your special shirts.
  2. Avoid soaking your shirts for over 30 minutes. Soaking your shirts for too long will hurt the fiber of the shirts and ruin the printing.
  3. To wash your favorite shirts with the best image on them, choose special detergent that contains less chemicals.
  4. Next tips to choose shirts and treat them properly is washing the shirts manually instead of using a washing machine. When washing the shirts, avoid brushing them unless you want to remove the entire image.
  5. Once you’re done washing the shirts, avoid drying them under direct sunlight. Direct sunlight is going to destroy the color of the image. A much better way to dry your shirts are hanging them in a shady and windy place.
  6. It is also crucial to learn how to iron the shirts. Iron your shirts by using medium heat. Cover the image with a piece of paper or fabric before ironing the shirts. This will keep the image last forever.

By following the entire tips to choose shirts and treating the shirts with DTF printed image above, you’ll find the best shirts to print your favorite image. Don’t choose random shirts unless you are okay with imagesin terrible quality.

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