Printing Custom T-Shirts with DTF Printer

Digitalization allows many people today to finish their tasks a lot more easily. The printing process is now experiencing digitalization as well. Digitalization makes the process of printing custom t-shirts much easier than ever.

One of the most outstanding printing techniques that ease people’s life is the direct transfer film printing or DTF printing. This printing technique has excellent quality, even when it is being compared to DTF or direct to garment printing technique. The DTF printing process is also more practical for custom order.

To use the DTF printing technique, you will have to prepare a special DTF printer that allows you to print designs in various colors, based on the design on the computer. Find more details about printing custom t-shirts using DTF technique below.

Various Things You’ll Need for PrintingCustom T-Shirts

To help you run your DTF printing business and print quality t-shirts, you need to use various tools and materials. Those who run DTF printing business usually prepare at least five materials to help them keep the business running.

1. DTF printer

This is the most basic tool you need to run a DTF printing business. The main function of the DTF printer is to print the design to the transfer paper when you’re printing custom t-shirts. Without a DTF printer, the printing won’t happen and your business won’t run.

2. Transfer paper

Another material you need to print a custom t-shirt is the transfer paper. The function of this paper is to replace the regular paper. You need to place this transfer paper on the back side of your DTF printer.

The usage of this transfer paper is depending on the printer you use for printing custom t-shirts. Some people who run the DTF printing business use rolled transfer paper that is a hundred meter long.

3. Special inks for DTF printing

You’ll also need special inks for your DTF printer. After getting quality inks for your DTF printer, put the inks inside the printer. What makes DTF inks special is its quality when printing on the surface of transfer paper.

4. Curing DTF

Next thing to prepare for printing custom t-shirts is the curing or heater. Its main function is to melt the adhesive powder or a special glue to glue the DTF printing result to the surface of a fabric or t-shirt. This curing machine will spread some printing powder to the transfer film.

5. Heatpress machine

The machine will press the t-shirt and allow the printing result to strongly stick to the t-shirt. This machine will generate high temperatures between 145 and 165 degrees.

Using DTF Technique to Print T-Shirts

The printing process using DTF technique is actually super easy, much easier and faster than printing t-shirts manually. To finish the printing process, you need to follow some easy steps below.

1. Prepare the file to print. The best format for the file is TIF or PNG. You can prepare the file by using a specific app designed to print DTF design by using DTF printer.

2. When preparing the file, the design’s position should be mirrored. And when you’re preparing the print color, cover the design with white ink. That’s why you need to equip the DTF printer with a white ink and some other special inks in various colors.

3. Load the DTF printer with the special inks to print the design on the transfer film. Don’t use random or regular inks unless you’re okay with terrible results on the t-shirts.

4. Covering the printing custom t-shirts results with printing powder or adhesive powder or printing glue. Make sure the powder covers the entire design on the t-shirt evenly before the curing process.

5. Prepare the t-shirt for the pressing process. Place the t-shirt on top of the plat of the pressing machine properly. Cover the transfer film with Teflon fabric before the pressing starts for a more optimal result.

6. Set the temperature at 165 degrees and then press for only 10 seconds. Repeat the process and the t-shirt is ready.

Keep in mind that you shouldn’t iron the t-shirt immediately. Prepare the things on the list above and follow the entire steps for printing custom t-shirts and you will be able to run your DTF printing business successfully. Ready to run your own business?

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