Overcome the DTF L1800 Printer blink or error
When we are doing t-shirt printing jobs on DTF printers, sometimes there are problems that arise when we print. Even though we have done cleaning every day and maintenance every day, there must be times when the printer crashes or blinks errors. Even the print quality hasn’t changed even though you have cleaned it regularly but the error still persists. Find a way to deal with the DTF L1800 Printer blink or error here.
We cannot deny that for the A3 L1800 DTF Printer it will definitely stop working one day and action is needed to overcome it. Why can that happen because this DTF printer works every day and must also feel tired. This is one of them is the cessation of the printer function because it is necessary to check the printer one by one.
In general, if the DTF A3 printer, especially the Epson L1800 Printer, after long-term use one day it will definitely encounter problems, as is usually the case when the ink/paper indicator light will flash alternately. And it could also be that the indicator lights flash simultaneously so that the printer cannot be used to print t-shirts.
Some blinking problems on DTF A3 printers, usually the print counter is full so the indicator lights blink alternately, ink lights and paper lights light up alternately. This is actually very good because the Epson factory implements this system so that the ink is not full and spills everywhere. But the DTF A3 printer that we modified, we modified the ink hose and threw it backwards, but that doesn’t guarantee that the indicator light won’t blink because the Epson factory has set a counter when it has to be reset. Therefore it is necessary to have a resetter program to reset the printer to normal again.
Before you reset DTF Printers, it’s a good idea to know the causes and examine some of the DTF Printer components that we use, because some problems can be solved by checking the components to overcome the occurrence of blinking or alternating blinking lights or lights blinking simultaneously. The following is what we must do before resetting or other actions
- Check the carriage unit, make sure the carriage unit can shift smoothly when there is movement from left to right, you can also test it by sliding it manually.
- Check Cartridge, clean the cartridge. Also make sure the cartridge is installed correctly in its position.
- Check the paper roller, check the roller or Pet Film whether there is something stuck in the printer circuit or not, if something is stuck it’s certain that the DTF printer will blink.
If the solutions above have not been able to solve the blinking problem on the DTF A3 Epson L1800 printer, then another solution that can be done is to reset the printer using a resetter, but we need to look again at what problems might occur other than the need for the DTF printer to be reset.
Things to do when the L1800 DTF Printer Blinks
1. Install the WIC Reset Program to find out which part has an error.
2. The position of the printer when you want to analyze the damage must be in the on position with an error state.
3. Don’t forget the USB cable must be plugged into the printer and connected to the computer.
4. Open the WIC program to analyze printer error damage.
5. In the WIC Reset program on the top left there is a choice of the printer name used and it will be connected automatically when the printer is turned on and connected to the computer. Please select the name of the printer to be analyzed, for example “Epson L1800 Printer”.
6. Click Report and later a fault code will appear on the printer being analyzed.
From there we will know which part has an error and what action we should take, for example there is an error code “PF Error” meaning that there is a problem around the PF motor, either from the belt or possibly from the module which does not match the PF motor .
Overcome the DTF printer blinking on alternate lights
Usually there are times when the DTF Printer has an error with the paper light and ink light turning on alternately, this is because the counter of the printer is full and needs to be reset. This is caused because this type of error is an error that was not caused by user error, or an error during operation.
Before we get into repairing a blinking printer, what we need to do is you have to have a tool called a resetter. Now this resetter will be used to reset the stored data as explained above. For that, you, please download here the Epson L1800 Resetter.
Steps to use the Epson L1800 Resetter
1. Open Adjprog.exe it will automatically open a new window as below, Select Particular Adjustment Mode.
2. Then look for the words Waste Ink Pad Counter, then we click or you can also double click.
3. If you have chosen Waste Ink Pad Counter, put a tick to both. then just click Check then Initialize to restore the Printer EEPROM again.
4. After all the steps above have been carried out, all that remains is to turn off the printer, then turn on the printer again and it is certain that the DTF printer will return to normal and not blinking anymore.
Now, if you have gone through the series of processes above, you can be sure that the DTF Roll To Roll Printer will back to normal.
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