How to make Automatic DTG Printer

Direct to garment is a special printer. This printer allows you to print directly on t-shirts or the other fabrics as the medium. This printer doesn’t need any other medium like the pet film. Now, you can learn about how to make automatic DTG printer from a conventional printer.

For some people, the price of a DTG printer is too pricey. If you are interested in running a printing business but couldn’t afford a DTG printer yet, use your conventional printer. But first, you need to modify your conventional printer and create an automatic DTG printer.

It is super easy to modify a conventional printer. There are some things to prepare before modifying the printer. Find out every single detail on how to turn a conventional printer into a DTG printer on this page.

Preparing The Desk for DTG Printer

You can place a conventional printer on any desk. But you need to find a special place for your DTG printer. Prepare a desk that can accommodate your DTG printer. The desk should support the printing on t-shirts or fabrics as the medium.

First of all, prepare a rectangular shaped desk you can use to place the modified printer. Use a material you can modify, like the engineering plastic. This plastic material allows you to modify it easily. Even though it is made of plastic, the engineering plastic is firm and stable.

This kind of desk will be super ideal to accommodate your modified printer. Make a hole in the frontside of the desk. The function of this hole is to mount the rolling table or a drawer. The drawer will be a printer tray where you place the t-shirt or fabric to print.

Make sure that the length and width of the hole is enough to place the t-shirt or fabric you are about to print.

How To Make Automatic DTG Printer from Conventional Printer

Now you need to prepare the DTG printer by turning your conventional printer. Follow some steps below and you will be able to modify the printer to get the direct to garment printer you desire.

1. Unscrew the printer’s covers on the back, sides, and front sides.

2. Remove the ink box and the visible screws. And then remove the printer’s case by prying it.

3. Now remove the printer’s cover on the side, back, and front sides by the help of a tweezer. Pry the covers slowly.

4. Next, remove the power module and make sure that the entire crews on the outside have been removed. And then remove the cover on top of the printer.

5. Finally, remove the main frame of your conventional printer. Cut the bottom part of your conventional printer with a cutting grinder. Adjust its size with the rolling table or drawer.

The tutorial on how to make automatic DTG printer above is just the beginning. After preparing the printer, you need to connect the print with the desk. This way, your conventional printer will turn into a DTG printer and you can start printing the design you want on a t-shirt immediately.

How to Connect DTG Printer with The Table

You should place the printer in the right position so you can print steadily. Follow the tutorial below to finish the transformation.

1. Mount the roller on the inside of the plastic desk. This is going to be the printer tray. Make sure that the tray can move smoothly.

2. Mount the main frame of your printer on the top of the plastic desk. Make sure that the printer is in the middle of the desk.

3. Assemble the parts of your printer and screw them all permanently on the desk. This makes the printer stay still and will print steadily.

4. Make a button on the right side of the desk and then make a module that connects to the printer’s machine. This makes the printer tray move forward automatically during the printing process.

5. Screw four screws upwards and add a spring on each screw.

6. Mount the automatic module on the desk. Connect it with the roller and then connect the module to the printer’s machine.

7. Next, fill the ink, plug the cartridge and the hose as well as its lock.

8. Test the printer and make sure that the printhead can move smoothly.

9. Finally, assemble the covers of your printer. Screw everything and your DTG printer is ready.

As long as you follow the tutorial on how to make automatic DTG printer, you will be able to print a design on a t-shirt without having to purchase a pricey machine.

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