How to deal with a DTF Printer Stopped in the Middle of the Road

A DTF printer is a printer that is intended for printing t-shirts, in the process a DTF machine or DTF printer modification prints the image on the DTF Pet Film first after that it is powdered and then put into the oven, you can use an electric oven or a gas oven. wherever convenient you.

The DTF printing process is also known as dry decal, in which the baked Pet Film is attached to the t-shirt material and pressed in a t-shirt press machine.

DTF Printer enthusiasts are also not small, many business people have started to look at this business since 2020, this business is still relatively young, so it is very hot if we just want to start a DTF printing business. And also a Large Format DTF Printer whose technology is very satisfying for middle to upper class business people. Machines, which mostly come from China, are capable of exporting a lot of DTF Printer machines and raw materials and sales are very fast to various countries.

Modified A3 DTF Printer is a change from a modified paper printer to a DTF Printer. By pairing the DTF and Vacuum DTF modules this printer is ready to print Pet Film which can later be used to print t-shirts.

The advantages that exist in the Modified DTF A3 Printer.

1. The Epson L1800 printer is easy to get because there are so many sales from Epson factories. You, you can search on several marketplaces such as Shopee or Tokopedia.

2. The Epson L1800 printer is easy to modify, all you have to do is attach the DTF and Vacuum DTF Modules. This printer is ready to make money.

3. The way to use it is quite easy and the maintenance is quite easy.

4. Spare parts are easy to get and inexpensive.

How to deal with DTF print stops in the middle of the road

When printing  DTF there are always problems, whether it’s not thick enough in the white ink or the blink on the printer or the print that is running suddenly stops in the middle of the road.

Now, how do you deal with a DTF printer that stops printing in the middle of the road, which causes the job to stop when printing DTF, we’ll see one by one below:

1. DTF printers that suddenly stop in the middle of the road can be caused by the CR Motor that is already hot so that when the Carriage Unit moves left and right it suddenly runs slowly and eventually stops in the middle of the road. How to handle it? Namely by blocking the belt on the left side of the Shaft Carriage Unit with a small box so that the pressure on the belt is not too tight. The second step can be to replace a new CR Motor, usually when the CR Motor is hot its performance will not be optimal and will slow down the movement of the cartridge housing (carriage unit).

2. The PF Tension Sensor belt or the PF motor belt is loose or the setting is too hard. This is also one of the causes that causes the DTF printing process to stop in the middle of the road. How to handle it? Namely by disassembling the DTF printer and resetting the belt pressure on the PF motor, sometimes this happens when you modify a paper printer to become a DTF printer, there is a process where you have to disassemble the PF motor and solder it, now the installation process is sometimes imperfect or the belt is subject to change in pressure.

3. Other problems DTF printers that suddenly stop in the middle of the road could be because the printhead is blocked by a vacuum so that the printer experiences blinking or an error which causes the movement of the cartridge housing to stop in the middle of the road. How to handle it? Namely by checking the location of the vacuum position that is placed under the printer, usually the vacuum that is placed under the printer is a plug and play system, so please you, check if it is straight and not tilted and this is also the cause.

4. For DTF printers that are printing and suddenly turn off or stop in the middle of the road, it can also be caused by the module installed on the Modified DTF Printer. Whether it’s from an electronic part that was damaged so that it suddenly stopped in the middle of the road.

5. For other problems, namely it could be because the Pet film is stuck on the Printhead, this is a very fatal cause because if this happens frequently it will damage the DTF Printhead permanently, so the solution is to fix the position of the Pet Film which will be placed on the rear tray . So if you put Pet Film, try to position it according to the slot on the tray so when the Pet Film is pulled inward it doesn’t tilt which causes it to crash into the DTF Printhead over time.

Now, you, you understand how to deal with a DTF printer that stops printing in the middle of the road. There are several ways that I have mentioned and explained above, hopefully this can be enlightening for you. Good luck.

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