Differences between Large Format DTF Printers and A3 DTF Printers
DTF printers are a print process by way of Digital Transfer Film screen printing, which is a very easy process to do. And this method is much liked by t-shirt screen printing users. In this article I will provide information about what is a DTG printer and what is a DTF printer. The difference between DTG and DTF printers is in the process. In printing, there are various techniques for printing a cloth, starting from polyflex screen printing, manual screen printing, DTG, and also the latest method is Digital Transfer Film or DTF.
DTG printers use special ink, namely pigment ink, to print images directly onto the fabric to be printed. Until now there are still lots of t-shirt screen printing that use DTG printers, but there is another new release, namely the DTF Digital Transfer Film print method using a DTF printer, there is a Desktop version of DTF Printer and there is also a DTF Printer with the Large Format type.
Because there are many people who are interested in screen printing t-shirts, there are also many sellers selling t-shirts on several Marketplaces such as Tokopedia and Shopee. Selling DTF prints or single t-shirt prints, both offline and online, is in great demand. If friends want to start a DTF t-shirt printing business, this is the place for distributors of DTF printers with good quality and cheap.
Of course, friends have tried several types of DTF, both Large Format and DTF A3. Please, friends, see the difference between the Large Format DTF Printer and the A3 DTF Printer below.
The difference between DTF Large Format and DTF A3
1. Print area.
Of course, if the printer is large, the print area will also be large. The Roll to Roll DTF Large format has a work area of 60x100cm, for the length it can follow the customer’s wishes if you want 5 meters, that means 60x500cm. And this is very efficient because if a customer or customer wants to print in very large quantities it is better to use the Large Format. For the print area on the DTF A3 printer, of course the width of the print area is 28cm for a length of up to 3 meters.
2. Power supply voltage on the Printer.
If friends use a Large Format DTF Printer, of course they must have a high electrical power of at least 5000 kva. And you also need a UPS or battery intake to stabilize the voltage on the Large Format DTF machine. It’s good that the Large Format DTF machine also has Zero Grounding so that the large version of the DTF machine is also more durable and not easily damaged in use. The difference is if friends use an A3 DTF Printer, you don’t need a lot of electricity because it’s only a small printer.
3. Print Process Speed.
By using the DTF screen printing technique, the screen printing process will only take between 15 and 25 minutes, that’s if friends use an A3 DTF printer. However, if friends use a Large Format DTF Printer, the time is even faster, 1 meter only takes 7 to 10 minutes depending on the resolution you use.
4. Print quality.
If the Desktop version of the DTF screen printing method has pretty good quality, DTF Large Format also has very good quality, especially at the print resolution. But the A3 L1800 DTF Printer is no less good than the Large Format version, with the L1800 Printhead technology, the quality and results are very contrasting, not inferior to the Large Format DTF Printer. For friends who have run a desktop version of the DTF Print business or DTF A3, you may have experienced the quality of the printouts.
5. DTF Printer Maintenance.
The Epson Stylus Photo L1800 DTF printer, which already uses a vacuum and modules to produce high-contrast and sharp images, is very easy to maintain because you don’t need to call a printer technician, even though you can do it yourself. However, for large format DTF printers, it is certain that when there is a problem, of course, you need to call a technician to solve it. Because a Large Format DTF Printer is not as easy as caring for an A3 DTF Printer.
6. The strength of the print.
For the strength of each machine, it has a different level of power, of course, but so far both A3 DTF Printers and Large Format DTF Printers have perfect print durability.
7. The need for machine spare parts.
For friends who run a DTF Print business, of course there must be spare parts on the printer, be it a desktop A3 DTF Printer or a Large Format DTF Printer, because when friends have orders there are many possibilities that can happen whether it’s having to replace the Printhead or spare parts such as pump capping station. For DTF A3 Printers, spare parts are easy to get, but if friends use a Large Format DTF Printer, you also need appropriate information when a Large Format DTF machine experiences problems, ask the seller or vendor you choose.
Provided that the DTF printer that friends use gets fairly intensive maintenance, the life of the machine or printhead will certainly be long, especially if friends have a room that is cold enough such as an air conditioner to keep the machine cool because if the machine is hot the printhead will automatically clog quickly.
So for friends who are struggling in the field of Digital Printing, especially for printing individual t-shirts that use DTF Printers, of course you have to be wise in choosing a DTF Printer, both A3 DTF Printer and Large Format DTF Printer. If you have quite a lot of orders and you can’t handle it anymore, you need to choose a large DTF printer with an area of 58x100cm which can print more than 300 meters. So please try and good luck.
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